22nd October 2024

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Serving the people of Rampton & Woodbeck

Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan

The production of the Rampton and Woodbeck Parish Neighbourhood Plan is being led by a Steering Group comprising of a small Working Party of local volunteers, with the support of the Rampton and Woodbeck Parish Council.
The success of the plan relied on ongoing input and support from local residents, businesses, land owners, and other organisations active within the parish.
Opportunities were provided for ALL members of the community to engage in and inform the production of the plan.

Latest Update

The Neighbourhood Plan for Rampton and Woodbeck

Final Stage Update - Bassetlaw Council (25.09.2020)

Following the meeting of BDC Full Council last night, I'm pleased to report the NP Examination Report was unanimously approved, as hoped; please find below the Decision Statement attached. The modified version of the Plan will now be afforded significant weight in planning decision making until the referendum is held (projected as 6 May 2021). I will now set to work on making the requested modifications, and will provide you with a marked-up draft for proofing before publication.

Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Development Plan – Decision Statement
1 Summary
1.1 In accordance with Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Bassetlaw District Council has produced this 'Decision Statement' in relation to the Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Development Plan (the 'Plan') submitted by Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council.
1.2 Following an independent examination, Bassetlaw District Council confirms that the Plan will proceed to a neighbourhood planning referendum.
1.3 In accordance with the Examiner's recommendations, and the Coronavirus Act 2020, the Plan will proceed to a public referendum scheduled for the 6 May 2021, based on the Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Area, as approved by Bassetlaw District Council on 7 March 2017.
1.4 This Decision Statement, along with the Independent Examiner's report, can also be viewed on the Bassetlaw District Council website:
Bassetlaw District Council website –
2 Background
2.1 On 10 January 2017, Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council submitted an application to Bassetlaw District Council for the designation of Rampton & Woodbeck Parish as a Neighbourhood Area. On 7 March 2017, Bassetlaw District Council approved the Neighbourhood Area Designation following a statutory four-week consultation period (23 January – 20 February 2017).
2.2 The Pre-Submission Draft Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan was made available for consultation in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations from 10 September to 5 November 2019.
2.3 The Parish Council formally submitted the Neighbourhood Plan to the District Council on 6 February 2020. Bassetlaw District Council held a 6-week consultation period, ending on the 19 March 2020.

2.4 An Independent Examiner was appointed to undertake the examination of the Submission version of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner's Report was sent to the District Council and Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council on 8 June 2020.
3 Decisions and Reasons
3.1 The Head of Regeneration, in consultation with the Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration has determined that all the recommended modifications set out in the Examiner's Report will be undertaken to ensure that the Plan meets the Basic Conditions.
3.2 The Examiner has concluded that, with the specified modifications, the Plan meets the Basic Conditions and other relevant legal requirements. The Council concurs with this view. Therefore, to meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, a referendum which poses the question "Do you want Bassetlaw District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Rampton & Woodbeck to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?" will be held in the Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Area on 6 May 2021.
3.3 The date for the referendum is significantly later than would customarily be the case. This arrangement reflects regulations linked to the Coronavirus Act 2020, which prevent the holding of referendums until 6 May 2021 in order to uphold social distancing protocol. In the interim, the Rampton & Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan will be afforded significant weight in decision making.

Final Stage Update - Bassetlaw Council (18.09.2020)

The request to approve the NP Examination Report is on the agenda for the Full Council meeting to be held next Thursday, and the agenda is now available online: https://data.bassetlaw.gov.uk/media/7818/agenda.pdf (see pages 93-144 for your report). The meeting will be broadcast live via our website / YouTube, and a recording available to watch afterwards. There are three other NP items on the agenda at this meeting and so there should hopefully be recognition of the positive work being undertaken by the communities involved - always good to hear.

Looking beyond this, subject to approval, the weight afforded to the Plan will increase from material to significant, and I will start to work on enacting the changes recommended by the examiner. Prior to publishing, I will issue a digital copy to you for proofing. - Lead Neighbourhood Planner

Final Stage UPDATE (7.2.2020)

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan and Character Assessment have been approved by the Parish Council for submission to Bassetlaw District Council. All supporting documentation has now been handed over to Bassetlaw and the district council will now commence the Regulation 16 Process to oversee the final steps.

Neighbourhood Plan Update - Sent on behalf of Bassetlaw District CouncilRampton and Woodbeck Parish Council have formally submitted the final version of their Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents to Bassetlaw District Council in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. Bassetlaw District Council are now consulting interested parties on the submission Rampton and Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan, in accordance with Regulation 16 of the same regulations for a six week period. You are being notified because you are either a statutory organisation or you have previously made comments on the Rampton and Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan.The plan and supporting documents can be viewed via the following link (please see the Submission Stage section at the bottom of the page):https://www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/planning-and-building/planning-services/neighbourhood-plans/all-neighbourhood-plans-in-bassetlaw/rampton-woodbeck/The consultation period begins today, Friday 07 February 2020 and closes at 5pm on Thursday 19 March 2020.All representations on the submission Neighbourhood Plan should be made in writing (either by email or letter) and sent to:Email: neighbourhoodplanning@bassetlaw.gov.ukPost: Neighbourhood Planning, Bassetlaw District Council, Queen's Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, S80 2AHNext StepsOnce the consultation has closed, all representation(s) received will be sent directly to an independent examiner who will examine the Plan and representations in accordance with the relevant Neighbourhood Plan Regulations. When completed, the examiner will produce an ''Examination Report'' that will identify any proposed modifications to the Neighbourhood Plan. The examiner will also recommend whether they feel the Plan should proceed to a public referendum. If you would like to be notified of the outcome of the examination process, please include an indication to this effect as part of your representation.The timescales are likely to be as follows:

  • Reg 16: Six week consultation, running from Friday 7th February until 1700 on Thursday 19th March.
  • Examination: to commence on conclusion of Reg 16 consultation. Timescales difficult to predict (one month minimum)
  • Examination Report to be approved by BDC Full Council (we need to work with the schedule of Full Council meetings)
  • Any amendments to the NP to be made subsequent to approval by BDC Full Council, and referendum scheduled (within 56 days of approval)

Data ProtectionUnder the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) Bassetlaw District Council, Queen's Building, Potter Street, Worksop, Notts, S80 2AH is a Data Controller for the information it holds about you. The Council will hold the personal information provided by you for the purpose of the Rampton and Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16 consultation and your data may be published at the end of the consultation and/or shared with third parties. The lawful basis under which the Council uses personal data for this purpose is consent. For more information about how the Council may use your data and to learn more about your rights please see the Council's Privacy Statement at www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/privacy

Call for Sites


Open Days

Final Neighbourhood Plan Open Days:

Saturday 28th September 2019 Rampton Village Hall 10am-2pm

Monday 7th October 2019 Woodbeck, Woody's Bar 7pm-9pm

See attached flyer for further info


Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meetings

Previous Updates

Jan 2018

And the winner is of the 1st Survey Prize Draw…

Elizabeth Russell-Duncombe – congratulations!!
£50 prize for returning your Rampton and Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan survey is winging its way to you.

Thank you to all who returned their questionnaires.

Oct 2018

And the winner is of the 2nd Survey Prize Draw…

Sue Kyle – congratulations!!
£50 prize for returning your Rampton and Woodbeck Neighbourhood Plan survey is winging its way to you.

Thank you to all who returned their questionnaires.

2019 Public Consultation Period

Rampton and woodbeck neighbourhood plan was subject to it's regulation 14 public consultation period from the 10th September until 5th November 2019.

There were two public events where people could come and view the document:

Saturday 28th Sep 2019 10:00-14:00 - Rampton Village Hall

Monday 7th Oct 2019 19:00-21:00 - Woodbeck Community Centre

All comments had to be made directly to the Parish Council, in writing by email to clerk@ramptonandwoodbeck-pc.gov.uk or by post to Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council, 24 Allison Ave, Retford, DN22 7JS before the consultation closing date. An electronic copy of the draft Neighbourhood Plan document is located at the bottom of this page, together with all other supporting documentation.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood Plans are a means by which local communities can have some control over future planning developments. They cannot prevent new developments but they can dictate what form those developments may take, for example affordable starter homes rather than "executive" luxury housing or in-fill rather than greenfield developments. When passed and approved by the local authority they are a legally enforceable document.

What is the process?

The Parish Council or a delegated sub-committee, (as is the case in Rampton and Woodbeck), of councillors and local residents are responsible for a process of public consultations and surveys to establish what sort of housing developments residents would like to see in their neighbourhood. Just as importantly, what they don't want to see developed. As a result of these consultations a Neighbourhood Plan is drafted and presented to the Parish Council for approval or redrafting. When approved the Council submits the Plan to the District Council for their approval. An important point here is that when drafting the Plan it must be consistent with the District Councils overall Plan for Bassetlaw. When passed by the District Council the Plan then must go to an external assessor before reaching the final stage of a referendum for residents to either approve or reject the Plan. We currently estimate this process should take eighteen months.

Results of the first survey

Last year we carried out a survey of all households in Rampton and Woodbeck. Although the response rate was low we have been infomed that a low response is not uncommon and not unique to Rampton and Woodbeck.

What people most liked about living in Rampton and Woodbeck was the rural atmosphere, easy access to the countryside and local village facilities but what they most disliked were poor public transport, pot holes/poor road maintenance and speeding vehicles, concerns that were repeated later in the questionnaire.

The sorts of developments that respondents most would like to see were family housing, low cost housing and bungalows. There was little or no support for luxury housing, care homes, flats or three storey houses.

Respondents would most prefer developments to be a number of smaller developments, conversion of existing buildings, in-fill developments or on brownfield land. There was little or no support for developments on greenfield and countryside sites and for larger developments. Unsurprisingly, there was a clear majority in agreement with the statement "new development should respect the local character, landscape and heritage of the Parish"..

All respondents agreed with the two statements that the Plan should "protect our natural environment such as public rights of way, trees, hedgerows, local wildlife and woodlands" and "protect our existing community facilities and green spaces like the Village Hall and playing fields". Over half agreed with the statement: "areas should be developed for renewable energy development". The principal concerns of the respondents about future developments were: impact on drainage and flooding, effects on road junctions/traffic and impact on the natural environment.

The sorts of facilities and amenities that the respondents would like to see in the Parish were improved bus service, improved broadband and healthcare facilities. The respondents prioritised addressing the following transport issues: improved road maintenance, speed of vehicles through the Parish and more off-road parking.

What are the next stages?

Based on the feedback from local residents the Plan was adjusted accordingly before submission to the Parish Council. We are currently final review stage of the draft Plan.

The Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening (SEAHR) Report was received from Bassetlaw District Council on 2nd December. The SEAHR Screening is a process of checking the Neighbourhood Plan against environmental and sustainability regulations, and needs to be completed before the Neighbourhood Plan can be formally submitted to Bassetlaw District Council. The SEAHR Report also needs to be consulted upon (Bassetlaw District Council do this on our behalf, seeking views from statutory Historic England, Natural England, and the Environment Agency). Consultation began on 2nd Dec 2019 and ended on 6th January 2020.

Electronic copies of the full Plan will be available on request and from the Parish Council website.

The Parish Council will then submit the Draft Neighbourhood Plan to Bassetlaw District Council for the Independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner to review it. If it then passes the examiner stage with no 'issues', Bassetlaw District Council will organise a grant funded referendum in the Parish. To pass, the Neighbourhood Plan into law, a majority of 50%+1 'yes' votes needs to be obtained. It is expected that Parish Council will instruct Bassetlaw District Council to commence the submission consultation (regulation 16) process.


Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 09:29