22nd October 2024

Search Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council

Serving the people of Rampton & Woodbeck

Recycling Bins at Pinder Park

Message from Bassetlaw District Council:

Bassetlaw District Councils contractors are receiving phone calls from, we assume local residents, advising them that the banks at the above recycling site are full, when, in fact, there is only 1 bank full. All four banks located at that particular site accept mixed glass and they are emptied on a cyclical basis.All reports of full sites should be made via Jeanette Walker, so that she is aware of the issues that there may be at the various sites that they maintain. Their telephone number is 01909 490467 and e-mail is Jeanette.walker@bassetlaw.gov.uk.Jeannette will arrange for the site to be emptied, should all of the 4 banks be full. They are trying to provide a customer friendly, environmentally sound service by collecting glass bottles and having the vehicles have to go out on unnecessary callouts is not allowing us to provide such a service.

Posted: Wed, 7 Feb 2024

Tags: Pinder Park