27th July 2024

Search Rampton & Woodbeck Parish Council

Serving the people of Rampton & Woodbeck

Cottam Residents Forum

The Future of Cottam Power Station Residents Forum is made up of local people who wish to have a say on the future of the site. We recognise that the site it privately owned but rather than have the future just 'happen' we want to create our own positive plan for the site whilst engaging with EDF and Bassetlaw District Council. We know there are serious remedial works required before any development and this survey is generic but it's a start on giving us an indication of what we want as a community. We can assure you we all have different ideas and welcome yours!

In addition, during the Autumn there will be an open day where everyone will be invited to have their say. In the meantime, if you have any additional thoughts, please e-mail: cottamresidentsforum@gmail.com

Take the Survey:


Posted: Thu, 18 May 2023

Tags: Cottam Power Station